Let’s face it, most people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about what’s going on beneath their feet. We, on the other hand, spend lots of time thinking about the underground labyrinth of pipes, storage basins, and technology systems that make up wastewater infrastructure for our client, Louisville MSD.
So much so, in fact, that our work recently earned top honors at the the National Environmental Achievement Awards hosted by the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA). The awards recognize the country’s leading water utility organizations and their work to make a positive impact on the environment.
The award-winning BCH/MSD project was for MSD’s Cornerstone Class – a partnership with the University of Louisville’s Speed School of Engineering to cultivate MSD’s next generation of engineers and water stewards who might one day enter the field of wastewater management and treatment.
BCH worked with MSD to develop materials for the freshman fundamentals learning module focused on design, operation, and maintenance of MSD’s infrastructure. The project both built brand awareness for MSD co-op experiences and informed the future workforce on those three big words…”critical infrastructure sustainability.” They then took those learnings to design, build, and test a physical treatment cycle model that would be graded on meeting the determined performance targets for water quality and minimizing “overflows.”
The BCH-produced video earned the Public Information & Education Award and will be honored at NACWA’s 2023 National Environmental Achievement ceremony.