
Four Roses Small Batch Select launch

For more than 12 years, Four Roses maintained a portfolio of three exceptional bourbons, with limited-edition bourbons released annually. In 2018 the 130-year-old brand, guided by Master Distiller Brent Elliott, decided to add a fourth permanent member to its esteemed lineup: Four Roses Small Batch Select.


Beverage Alcohol


Public Relations
Media Planning & Buying


Taking a shot at greatness

Our charge in launching Small Batch Select was twofold: First, we had to create a brand name and packaging that fit in with the existing Four Roses lineup. Second, we had to get the word out about the new bourbon, which would be officially released during a grand reopening event at Four Roses’ newly expanded distillery in Lawrenceburg, KY.

Naming Strategy

A Rose by any other name…

We explored multiple strategies in naming the bourbon, ultimately choosing to capitalize on the brand equity of Four Roses’ fastest-growing bourbon offering, Four Roses Small Batch. By adopting the “Small Batch” naming convention, we could give consumers a familiar touchpoint while speaking to a differentiator Four Roses has over other brands: mingling multiple recipes to create exceptionally balanced bourbons.

The original Four Roses Small Batch is a mingled bourbon renowned for its character and drinkability. The new bourbon echoes these traits, and since it was mingled from bourbon recipes hand selected by Master Distiller Brent Elliott, we recommended calling it “Small Batch Select.”



Raising the bar

After choosing a name, our team developed front, neck and back labels for the bottle. The aim was to create upscale, distinctive packaging that stood confidently on the shelf but was easily identifiable as a Four Roses product. To accomplish this, we chose the same bottle style as the original Small Batch and added a redesigned label, tastefully embellished with gold foil to leave no question that this was an ultra-premium bourbon.

Small Batch Select Label, Front
Small Batch Select Label, Front
Small Batch Select Label, Back
Small Batch Select Label, Back


Getting the word out

Small Batch Select was officially launched during a grand reopening event for Four Roses’ expanded distillery in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky. Our PR team worked closely with Four Roses to coordinate and promote the event: an effort which involved reaching out to social influencers, members of the news media – and even tracking down a couple of air cannons (long story).

Media Impact

Total Media Impressions

587 M

Print, Online, Broadcast

300 M

News Stories


News Outlets


Social Media

Let’s get social


A smooth finish

The Small Batch Select branding project and product launch was a resounding success. The launch event was covered by lots media outlets, resulting in over a half a million dollars of earned media and numerous shares on social media from influencers in the spirits space. As for the bourbon itself, the initial five-state rollout was such a success, an expanded release has been planned for more states in the coming year.



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