The calendar page has turned, the ball has dropped, the champagne has popped… and we’re still meeting on Zoom. So what might 2021 have in store for the world of marketing, media, advertising and public relations?
We asked a few BCHampions their thoughts, and here’s what they had to say:
Relative to the pandemic:
“New Normal” commercials will be everywhere for a while, probably from just about every type of lifestyle brand.
– GARY, partner
We’re due for another influx of sappy commercials as we all “get back to normal” in the same vein as all the original “unprecedented times” commercials.
– KLEIN, director of development
Mental health, as a category of health services, will increase marketing dollars in 2021 at least 50%.
– TIM, partner
Remote working will give way for more hybrid approaches with teams working out of offices more, maybe two or three days a week.
– MARK, partner
Regarding media anti-trust concerns:
There will be more pressure for Facebook to break up and spinoff Instagram and WhatsApp.
– PRESTON, digital media buyer
I think Google and Facebook will be broken up a la AT&T in the ‘80s into a modern-day version of “Baby Bells.” The resulting fragmented landscape of social platforms will fundamentally change the way social media advertising is purchased and placed.
– STEVE, senior writer
The rise of anti-trust lawsuits will eventually require Facebook to sell off Instagram and WhatsApp, but will fail to break up Google, Amazon or Apple, likely under the premise that their product lines have always included the branding of the parent company.
– KLEIN, director of development
Some views on social media:
Facebook and Instagram will see a sharp decline in daily users. Even though quarantine increased social media usage across the board, many adapted to Twitter and especially TikTok more than Facebook and Instagram. People will spend more time in 2021 on Twitter and TikTok because those channels are more constant than consistent and their algorithms are better geared to serve you new content, faster.
– TAYLOR, social media manager
TikTok, being the newest social media platform to feature digital ads, will diminish in quality of the platform experience by allowing a high ad-to-content ratio. Tiktok will decline as a result. Vine will return like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
– EMILY, digital analyst
Short-form videos will be key to engagement.
– LAUREN, senior public relations manager
The White House will have a TikTok account.
– MATT, partner
Streaming thoughts:
Streaming video consumption will finally overtake cable subscriptions, and broadcast TV viewing will continue to decline. The entire Disney portfolio has been a big winner in 2020 with bundles including Hulu, Disney+, and ESPN+ and their dominance will continue in 2021, possibly becoming the #1 virtual cable provider. As broadcast networks launch their streaming services like Peacock (NBC) and CBS All Access, I believe they will place a greater emphasis on original streaming content (even over primetime shows) in order to become more competitive and open the additional revenue stream for subscriptions.
– SHELBY, media director
I think Netflix will have advertising this year. Something small, like banner ads on the desktop version at first or something.
– EMILY, digital analyst
In the world of tech:
Artificial intelligence applications/implementation will double in 2021.
– TIM, partner
Augmented reality will become more prevalent and brands will need to learn how to incorporate it in their digital assets to stay ahead.
– PRESTON, digital media buyer
I think there will be a yet-unknown app developer who innovates COVID contact tracing methods in a way that impacts the whole country.
– STEVE, senior writer
Stay tuned for Part 2 of this post soon for more predictions…